MoonBats IV: The dark secrets of a bright society | Unexpected alliance

Lorem Ipsum (by KiD LorΞm)
6 min readJun 15, 2023


Drogo returned to the Holy mountain only to find a cave empty of riches! Someone can only imagine what his reaction was. There are legends speaking of the “night that never went dark”, people wrote poems and to these days they are still singing about a blazing mountain burning like candlestick for the whole night long. A mountain once brimming with plantation. So many years have passed and I still recall being bedazzled by the spectacle, I can even confirm that never did a single grass root ever grew up again on that mountain.

In the morning the sun revealed a scorched place. A once beautiful landscape has turned overnight into a lifeless hump on the surface of the earth.

Thankfully the lost kids were all safe inside the cavities of the mountain. They did witness first hand the heatwave and the smokey atmosphere from the burning woods though… fear nested in their minds, as well as, in the minds of their loved ones back in the village, who could only observe but were unable to reach the mountain whatsoever.

The fiery wall was not to be trespassed by human beings. The few men who attempted to cross the forest surrounding the downhills of the mountain and get to a close distance in order to navigate themselves into finding a clear pathway, they were circled and engulfed by raging flames in no time, instantly losing their lives leaving their wives widows and their children orphans to mourn for them.

That very irregular day, at a certain part of the morning blue sky, a black dot was slowly being formatted and growing ever larger, becoming all the more bulky, while gaining up volume from a stem touching the ground, at a place quite a bit far away into the woods.

The peculiar maze, was seemingly heading towards the village, approaching speedily, while expanding into an oddly shaped bulky constituent of dark colors interwoven with sparkling bright spots, producing a terrifying clinging sound.

In a matter of minutes, the sky darkened over the village as the massive formation started rotating circularly in a counterclockwise direction, slowly accelerating while at the same time deep diving from high up in the sky, forming a straight line which resembled an arrow in free fall.

Panic spread rapidly amongst the villagers who were spectating horrified, awaiting for the end to come upon them, only to be amazed by the heavy rain which followed… a rain unlike anything they’ve ever witnessed before, a rain of shiny valuables made from precious metals and minerals… their very own valuables that Drogo and the Dragonovilites had stolen and were accumulating for all these previous years, those exact valuables the MoonBats risked their lives for and which they just returned to their original owners in a symbolic act… a desperate attempt to bring peace between their community and the one of humans.

The High Council held back in the days, decided almost in its entirety that we vamps should not partake in the dispute between the MoonBats and their outcast community of Dragonovilites, against the villagers. And although it deeply suddens me, I drag MoonBats into the discussion, only because humans, with their limited understanding and their stubborn beliefs, thinking they know all and judging only based on superficial assumptions, they had already concluded their minds and condemned both communities of bats on the whole and as one single entity, which was not the case based on the preceding factual events I narrated to you.

Nevertheless, the return of the loots would obviously not suffice to the already outraged populous. On the contrary, they perceived this act as an insult to their competency, especially since their children were still missing. Although MoonBats were not implicated in their kidnapping, even more so, they were not even aware of that very detail at that time, however a discrimination between MoonBats and Dragonovilites was not something the humans were capable of understanding, nor were they willing to accept it, even if they would comprehend, of course in a completely hypothetical scenario.

For this, humans decided they needed to gather in the Agora, a magnificent construction standing tall since the medieval ages, specifically built for such gatherings and other emergencies, located in the central square of the nearby town. Fearful that the hostilities might further expand, all nearby villages were invited to participate in the scheduled Townhall, to discuss the current situation and formulate a coalition which would deploy a counterattack. Primary goal of the alliance… the return of the children back to their families, alive and safe, as well as the revenge against Drogo and the bats.

Back then, little did we know about the exact specifics of their strategic plan and the fact we were included in it. Though, we did find out soon that those cowardly humans intended our involvement despite our High Council’s decision who voted against.

A committee comprising only a handful of messengers delivered a telegram written in such a directive tone, which actually resembled an ultimatum. We didn’t quite appreciate their disrespectful manners, however the outline did align perfectly with our own plans to retain peace and at the same time suppress Drogo who was being empowered by his sinful habits.

Thus, we disregarded their insulting tone.

They even brought us a cart filled with gold as a means of payment for our services, should we decide to assist them, which was even more insulting to us and our legacy… if this was a symbolic act we would have appreciated their kind offering and we would have embraced this gesture but alas…

Humans… they think they can use their own metrics of wealth to do as they please. What a crazy idea to even think of treating us as missionaries!

We vamps care not for the stupid physical world they have built. Their existence revolving around meaningless values, trying to make themselves happy through riches, missing out on what is important in life.

We family of vamps are proud creatures, we have been hanging upside down for centuries and we value and appreciate the blood connecting us all… the proud Ancient Order of MoonVamps!

Anyways, in what seemed like an unexpected turn of events, the High Council gathered again despite it was pretty apparent we would most probably decide in favor of assisting those weak human beings destroy Drogo, most prominently because they obviously were in desperate need of our aid with getting their children back, although their way of asking for support was terrible.

Hopefully this new generation of kids will do better than their forefathers and revert the wrongdoings.

So, we decided to punish Drogo and put an end to his tyranny, while at the same time teach humans a symbolic lesson. Thus, we melted the gold they brought us in an act of pure disregard to their core value system, with the aims of purring the hot metal onto Drogo, turning him into a golden statue, for the future generations of humans to remember his sins and hopefully reflect their own sins by simply watching at it, in a desperate attempt of ours to help them progress their level of understanding.

But things went wrong and our surprise attack turned into a messy retreat. The devil bat was awake and echoed a screechy ultrasound which resonated across the cave. Almost instantly all 282 Drogo’s soldier unihorn bats gathered round and started flying all over the place creating a lively shield to protect the dragon!

I still remember how we accidentally dropped the pot containing the hot liquid gold on the floor and a golden stream, like a flowing river reached the kids sleeping on the floor at the edges of the cave. All 40 of them were covered in gold within seconds, but none of them made a single sound, nor did they move from where they used to lay.

Humans believe in karma, we vamps believe everyone is exclusively responsible of their own fate… however, even to these days, I still don’t know how to refer to this unfortunate event of our history!



Lorem Ipsum (by KiD LorΞm)

Lorem Ipsum serves as a storytelling repository for web3 communities interested in fantasy lore creation